Back to the gym: getting fit again

Life happens. Whether it's due to the demands of parenting, the grind of academic life, or the general chaos that we all experience, maintaining a regular workout routine can be challenging. For those who were once regulars at the gym but have fallen out of the habit, getting back into fitness might seem daunting. But fear not! Getting fit again is entirely achievable, and it doesn't require drastic measures or extreme diets. Instead, let's dive into a few suggestions on how you can ease back into fitness and make long-term, sustainable changes.

The Impact of Inactivity on Your Health

We all know that exercise is beneficial, but it's worth reiterating just how impactful inactivity can be. Extended periods without physical activity can lead to a host of health issues. For example, cardiovascular fitness can decline significantly, leading to increased blood pressure and a higher risk of heart disease. Muscles weaken, resulting in a decrease in strength and endurance, making daily activities more taxing. Moreover, mental health can suffer, with inactivity contributing to increased levels of anxiety and depression. But there's good news: your body is remarkably adaptable. Just as it adapts to inactivity, it will also respond positively to renewed efforts to get moving. The key is to start now, with manageable steps.

The Benefits of Regular Exercise

Getting back to the gym isn't just about aesthetics or hitting new personal records. Regular exercise has profound benefits for both body and mind. Physically, it improves heart health, strengthens muscles, and boosts endurance. Did you know that regular exercise can increase the size of your hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning? This means it can actually help improve cognitive function. Moreover, regular physical activity helps you sleep better and feel more energetic throughout the day. The benefits are cumulative and extend far beyond the gym, positively impacting every aspect of your life.

5 Tips for Getting Back in Shape

1. Start Slow and Gradually Increase Intensity

The temptation to jump back in at full speed can be strong, especially if you still have your previous fitness level in mind. However, starting slow is crucial. Gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts helps prevent injuries and makes it easier for your body to adapt. You may have been used to training 5 times a week, but that doesn't mean you are ready for that right now. Start with two sessions a week. If after a month you have the time and energy to add a third session that’s great, but it’s better to start easy and add on more session than to aim too high and disappoint yourself.  This same goes for the weights and complexity of your movements, leave your ego at the door, scale everything down, and gradually build things back up from there. See it as an opportunity to perfect the basics and work your way back to excellence from a solid foundation.

2. Focus on Proper Nutrition

Nutrition plays a vital role in your fitness journey. Ensure you're fueling your body with the right nutrients to support your workouts. This doesn't mean crash diets or extreme restrictions. Instead, aim for a balanced diet with plenty of protein, fruits, vegetables, and variety. It can help to think of what you would like to add to your diet rather than what you should avoid. Maybe you can challenge yourself to eat at least 30 grams of fiber each day? Maybe you want to try to include fruits or vegetables in every meal? Or maybe you want to drink more water throughout the day? Pick something attainable that fits into your current lifestyle and improve things one step at a time.

3. Ensure Adequate Rest and Recovery

Recovery is just as important as exercise itself, so make sure to include rest days in your routine and listen to your body. Quality sleep is essential, so prioritize getting enough rest each night if you can. Don’t just dive right back into your old training routines, but take a step back and evaluate any changes that might impact your recovery. Is your new job causing lots of stress with late-night deadlines? Is your adorable toddler not letting you get more than 3 hours of sleep each night? If that’s the case, exercise is still a good idea, but don’t expect to recover as if you’re still an 18-year-old without a care in the world (because sadly, we’re not). Start slow, and if you feel good, you can always increase the number of workouts or intensity.

4. Establish a Routine

Creating a consistent workout schedule can significantly help in making exercise a habit. Train at the same time each week, whether it's early mornings before the day starts or evenings after work. This helps your workouts become a regular part of your week instead of an exception, and has the added benefit of getting to know your coach and workout buddies extra well, making the gym feel like your home away from home.

5. Set Realistic Goals and Track Progress

Setting achievable goals is motivating and helps you stay focused. Whether it's completing a certain number of workouts each week or improving specific fitness metrics, having clear goals provides direction. Tracking your progress can be incredibly rewarding and encourages consistency. Log your workouts in the UnScared app to see your progress over time, and remember, our coaches are always available to help with goal setting if you’re not sure where to start.

Community and Social Support in Fitness

One of the most powerful motivators in fitness is community. Joining a supportive group or finding workout buddies can make a world of difference. We all know that a good workout buddy can turn even the worst training session into a great one. The encouragement and accountability from others keep you motivated and committed, even during that 7AM session that you really didn’t want to attend when the alarm went off. So don’t just find a gym at a convenient location, but find a community that cheers you on every step of the way.


Getting back to the gym and reigniting your fitness journey is a process, not a sprint. Embrace the small steps, be patient with yourself, and focus on long-term, sustainable changes. Remember, the goal is to build a routine that you can maintain and enjoy. With consistency and the right support you'll find yourself getting fitter and healthier over time. So, lace up those nanos, take a deep breath, and start your journey back to the gym today. Your future self will thank you!